
The Disclaimer

Hello and Welcome my fat zomba(s).
eha's the name. I got my first breathing since 1995. & I blows the candles on twenty five of november every year. Characteristic? People said I'm talkative, anywhere and anytime. Even though I'm talkative but I'm not the person that have a finger in the pie. Personality? Not too straight, sometimes might be a little bit shy. Emotionally normal with laughter. However, designs is definitely been liked. Random's photography is simply pretty. I love sky blue but guess what? It is just my Cinnamoroll stuff are all in blue! Idol? Muhammad S.A.W

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tidak ku sangka

Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:32 AM

wohooo. tak sangka aku, kawan yang selama ni aku anggap the best friend ever had, sggup buat aku mcm ni. how could you? aku takdak lah nak ungkit bagai pasal makan smua tu. pasal makanan, fon pun nak ungkit. beb, ak belanja hg kfc, mcd bagai tak tpikir pulak aku nak ungkit, kalau rasa tak ikhlas lah kan, nnti aku bayar balik smua k, tolong halalkan apa yang hg belanja aku kt kantin sekolah tau. and, aku lebih pentingkan boyf aku? perghh, ayat. yelah. aku kan megah ada boyf. hg ja yg tak megah kan? aku suka menunjuk nunjuk boyf aku? apedehal weh. aku menunjuk pun kacau duit hg ka?. ada aku kutip duit hg suruh support boyf aku? takpa lah. ungkit perabih nah. tak puas hati ngn aku sbb aku lebih pentingkan boyf aku? aha. yalah, pmpuan tu lebih pntingkan kawan dri boyf kan? well, she the best for you aite? okeh bebeh. hg boleh pikiaq sndiri why dia sggup putaq cerita kt KAWAN BAIK dia sndiri and FAMILY dia. sbb apa? bukan kah sbb boyf? think yourself bebeh ! hrni hri hmpa dua, esuk lusa, hg akan pikiaq kenapa bnda ni jadi. okeh my LOVELY friends?