
The Disclaimer

Hello and Welcome my fat zomba(s).
eha's the name. I got my first breathing since 1995. & I blows the candles on twenty five of november every year. Characteristic? People said I'm talkative, anywhere and anytime. Even though I'm talkative but I'm not the person that have a finger in the pie. Personality? Not too straight, sometimes might be a little bit shy. Emotionally normal with laughter. However, designs is definitely been liked. Random's photography is simply pretty. I love sky blue but guess what? It is just my Cinnamoroll stuff are all in blue! Idol? Muhammad S.A.W

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The Cbox Song

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Happy 2nd Anniversary.

Saturday, May 5, 2012 10:25 PM


alhamdulillah now dah bulan mei. and hrini ckup 2 month me and him. wahhh. so shuweett. hahahaha, thanks sayang for the bueno. terharu :') and thanks also for yesterday. hargai sgt sgt even sekejap je jumpe. thanks sbb selama ni you be the best man for me, and i appreciate it so much. i love you the way you love me. even kite selalu gile gaduh, tp semua tu buat kite lebih matured kan gedik? hahaha. my love is yours and your love is mine. no one can take it from me. kuhkuhkuh, thanks for all the gifts that you give to me yesterday. I was touched with all the things. love you FARIS DZIKRI <3

his gifts

berseninya dia. kalau aku lah kan. mesti takkan dpt buat mcm ni, setail gila. haha

i'm just done finished the milo. hahaha. thanks :')

heee. dapat surat cinta lah. kuhkuhkuh