
The Disclaimer

Hello and Welcome my fat zomba(s).
eha's the name. I got my first breathing since 1995. & I blows the candles on twenty five of november every year. Characteristic? People said I'm talkative, anywhere and anytime. Even though I'm talkative but I'm not the person that have a finger in the pie. Personality? Not too straight, sometimes might be a little bit shy. Emotionally normal with laughter. However, designs is definitely been liked. Random's photography is simply pretty. I love sky blue but guess what? It is just my Cinnamoroll stuff are all in blue! Idol? Muhammad S.A.W

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The Cbox Song

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no idea =,=

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 1:25 AM

assalamualaikum, today tak tahu nak update ape, dah TIGA hri tak update, sory sory, ade msalah teknikal. and now, taktau nak update ape, td usha gmbr abg art dlm lappy time dia kahwin dulu, HAHA. lawak la tgk muke muke ni, nsib wktu ni aku tk dtg kan. HAHA

comel tak ayah saya brown shirt, hehehe. mse ni kt kelantan, sbb rumah pengatin perempuan kt kelantan, wktu ni, fmily aku semua pergi, aku je tak pergi, sorry abg art, nurul tahu kite rpat kan kan? jgn lah nnti time nurul kawin pun abg art tak dtg jgk sudahlah. heheheh. sory sgt sgt, mse tu mmg terase malas gile nak dtg. dgn rabbit tkde spe nk jge kan? rabbit bukannye boleh tggl lme lme, hehehe. mse 3 hri fmily aku kt kelantan, peewiiitt, syiok hbis. aku keluar rumah tgh hri tu, then tgh mlm bru blik, HAHAHA. dahsyat kan aku? well. tgh diorg tkde la nak kluar pun, HAHAHA. nsib baik tkde ape ape jd kt aku kan? alhamdulillah.